Gathering seeds for stratification continued apace during October. The final seeds were deposited in a stratification box in November. We collected a very good variety and quantity of seed, filling three large boxes. Let's hope for a successful germination stage next year.
We are trialling some new hessian bags, as pictured, this year. The original bags were sown together by Tig, one of the founders of the nursery, but they are now falling apart, albeit after 20 years of good service.
We are trialling some new hessian bags, as pictured, this year. The original bags were sown together by Tig, one of the founders of the nursery, but they are now falling apart, albeit after 20 years of good service.
A major construction project was completed in November; our new dedicated order bed. After weeding the area and digging over and sieving the soil, the sides were constructed from cut Ash trees affected by die-back. The trees were stripped of their bark and cut to size, forming a tremendous long bed.
The whole bed is underlaid by mypex and we have added soil from other parts of the nursery to build it up. Customer orders can then be heeled in prior to collection.
All the other beds in use have now been weeded. The site is ready to take new customer orders and begin the winter maintenance tasks.
The whole bed is underlaid by mypex and we have added soil from other parts of the nursery to build it up. Customer orders can then be heeled in prior to collection.
All the other beds in use have now been weeded. The site is ready to take new customer orders and begin the winter maintenance tasks.
Tony, seated, takes a well-earned break after building the sides of the new bed.
Almost immediately after finishing the new order bed it is in the process of being filled with orders. By December, two-thirds of the bed was already full as customer orders came in thick and fast. Some new customers, including visitors to our stall at Bentley Woodfair in September, plus plenty of returning customers.
It is so rewarding to see how many of our customers come back when they want more plants, and how many recommend us to their friends/colleagues etc..
This year has been an exceptional one in terms of tree sales. Looking out over the sales section of our nursery i can see barely a hundred bare-rooted trees available for sale now...and it's only early December!
I hope we have a successful germination in 2019, to replace the trees now being planted by our customers in woods, hedgerows and allotments across Sussex.
Almost immediately after finishing the new order bed it is in the process of being filled with orders. By December, two-thirds of the bed was already full as customer orders came in thick and fast. Some new customers, including visitors to our stall at Bentley Woodfair in September, plus plenty of returning customers.
It is so rewarding to see how many of our customers come back when they want more plants, and how many recommend us to their friends/colleagues etc..
This year has been an exceptional one in terms of tree sales. Looking out over the sales section of our nursery i can see barely a hundred bare-rooted trees available for sale now...and it's only early December!
I hope we have a successful germination in 2019, to replace the trees now being planted by our customers in woods, hedgerows and allotments across Sussex.