Regular checking of the stratification boxes has yielded another 7-8 more bags of germinating seed. There are only 12 bags left now. Indeed, 8 of these are 'slow' germinating seeds. We therefore hope/expect only a few more bags to produce germinating seed before the end of April; which is effectively the cut-off time for germination.
Anne has hosed down the trees every week for 2-3 hours and we have put all the baby Yews and Holly into trays, plus re-potted about 30-40 of the Hollies.
We are experimenting with a wood-chip mulch across half of the purging buckthorn and Hawthorn stock, to see whether they fare any better.
The pile of dead branches dumped in the outside bay has all been put into the dead hedge and Chris has mended the lattice-work top of the gate. Jeff currently has the storm battered specialbranch sign in his home, awaiting repair. Perhaps, when restrictions are less draconian, we could tie our sign back to the front fence in a re-opening ceremony?
Finally, after checking the seedlings germinating in the boxes, i couldn't help noticing around 30 wild service tree seedlings have emerged. What a success! I hope everyone is well. Don't hesitate to comment and let me know how things are with you. I am aware that wine levels in the Brighton area are a lot less than normal!