We have now finished all the transplanting and only three more bags of seeds remain to germinate. Two of these, Guelder rose, are unlikely to show any sign of life until July anyway. Effectively, the winter/spring jobs of consolidating our remaining sales stock, adding seedlings to them and laying out the new seedlings into trays, has now been completed.
Our less fertile beds are receiving a mulch. The Wild Service tree cuttings get special attention...a mulch and some shade netting from the unusually hot weather we are now experiencing.
Our less fertile beds are receiving a mulch. The Wild Service tree cuttings get special attention...a mulch and some shade netting from the unusually hot weather we are now experiencing.

Springtime is also the best time to re-pot our healthy stock of Yew trees, all from the seed of the ancient Stanmer church Yew. Checking for vine weevil in their roots and refreshing the compost ensures their survival and good health. Plus volunteers gets to stand round the table by the pond and have a good 'chin-wag'.
The nettles have been gathered, bruised and put in a large bin with water. In around 4-6 weeks time a smelly fertiliser will be ready for the plants.
Everywhere the sights, sounds and smells of Spring inhabit the nursery. We celebrate this new life every Friday lunchtime with tea and biscuits!
The nettles have been gathered, bruised and put in a large bin with water. In around 4-6 weeks time a smelly fertiliser will be ready for the plants.
Everywhere the sights, sounds and smells of Spring inhabit the nursery. We celebrate this new life every Friday lunchtime with tea and biscuits!